<br><b>TurboTax Deluxe Federal 2015:</b><ul><li>Get your taxes done right and your maximum refund</li><li>Extra help to maximize 350+ deductions and credits</li><li>Get expert answers to your questions by phone (fees may apply)</li><li>Accurately deduct mortgage interest and property taxes</li><li>Coaches you and double checks every step of the way</li><li>Tailored to you, based on your unique situation</li><li>Automatically imports W-2s, investment and mortgage information (from participating companies)</li><li>Imports prior year data from TurboTax and other tax software</li><li>Guides you through the health care law with ease</li><li>Maximize charitable donations with ItsDeductible</li><li>5 federal e-files</li><li>State is sold separately</li></ul>
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