Hi everyone,
today I want to talk about a few business opportunities I’m involved in that are honest, ethical, and financially, can be a blessing to you if you take the time to promote them. I’m not representing any type “work from home organization”. This is purely information about some business opportunities I feel might interest you.
let’s talk about (Free-mart LLC), => Natural Health Products.
a company I have partnered with because of the character of the person that sets at the TOP of the company. John Austin, a born again christian who has risen to the top of a few company’s he’s been involved in, in his pass. Now he has built a company that’s on fire and moving in its destiny of helping people and bringing the Best out of them while promoting natural health products that are 2nd to NONE!
This organization has a LifeTime FREE Membership once you join, and will never be taken away from you, unless you do something against company policy. FIND OUT MORE & GET THE FACTS RIGHT HERE!
In the 2nd column of my blog, scroll down to “My Personal links”, take a L@@K! You will see a number of Freemart opportunities under that Heading about the many opp’s. offered by Freemart. (Click on any of those links to learn more).
While work from home business opportunities 2016, are plentiful, I am only sharing a few I feel are GREAT!
let’s talk about Hosting, (BlueHost Corporation), => Web Hosting services
I have been with BlueHost for about 9yrs. and it is a wonderful, honest, ethical, company also. It’s rated as a TOP TEN Corporation Globally within its industry, (Highly Respected). Here, I am an affiliate marketer for them working from home. Check it out here. Hosting lots of times is cheaper as compared to others. Every-time you sign someone up for the service, that’s $65.00 in your pocket as an affiliate marketer.
let’s talk about the, (MatchRate Plus Corporation), => Electronic Processing: (Cash-Back Program)
this is another GREAT company to work with as a work from home business opportunity. This is the Electronic Processing Industry. I started with them in June 2013 before the “chip cards” came out recently. It’s a very lucrative business. I built a team of personnel under me across the US that has helped me make money. I do need to become more proactive because lately I haven’t been working it as aggressively. Yet, I am still very much an active member of the corporation. I decided to look at my stats before doing this post to see where I was in the standings. Everything is still GREAT! I would encourage anyone that’s not trying to put ALL their eggs in one basket to check-out these 3 companies as opportunities to work from home. They ALL are wonderful, honest, ethical corporations to partner with. They ALL are in industries of High demand that you can build profitable futures in for you and your family. “Check this Company out Here” .
This is the ONLY company I know of that Gives “Cash-Back” to merchants through what we call our “Cash-Back Program”! No one else does this but us! Every-time a customer uses their debit/credit cards at the POS machine and swipes their cards, the company makes X-tra money from the customer for simply “Swiping” their cards thru the machine. Something they were going to do anyway, yet the company makes additional money OVER & BEYOND what they would have traditionally made from the swipe.
Well for now, this is what I want to share about work from home business opportunities 2016, many
Goulds Marketing Services LLC