The Stevens Method has launched
David, & Shannan, are extremely excited about this launching. It’s been a while in coming but we are here. Currently, David teaches “Graduate Students” at my old Alma Mata, The University of Md. and will become available as needed.
The Stevens Method has launched and has become a well-known title for David who has helped 12 different Corp’s. from the brink of Bankruptcy, World-Wide over his past 45 yrs. when he was named and called “The Turnaround CEO.
He has started this endeavor by first of all putting his E-book out there called “How to Read and Understand Financial Statements”. There is so much practical information in this book that it’s an easy read for even the lay person to understand, even a neophyte will understand the application of what David teaches you.
After successfully turning around 12 failing companies, David Stevens created this comprehensive e-book based on over four decades of international, executive-level management experience to help business professionals like you take the guesswork out of financial decision-making to increase your profitability and cash flow.
Grab your copy today, and have the confidence to make key financial decisions by tonight.
The Stevens Method has launched
Anyone that gets the E-Book will then be able to have access to David as part of the Up-sell package in which this is where “you” can schedule a 2hr face to face meeting & coaching with David himself and ask any questions. David is not only known worldwide as The Turnaround CEO but his product is also called, “The Balance Sheet that Always Balances”, (imagine that my friends in your business). This is another reason The Stevens Method has launched. Dave teaches you his BEST about,
- Profitability
- Cash Flow
- Business Plans
and much more
- about Gross Margins
- about Financial Management Control
- David has his own unique approach to helping your business increase profitability and cash flow
- always having a Balance Sheet that Always Balances
At the bottom of the page ABOVE, listen to what Donna, an Interior Designer says about Dave when she went through his course. Also, listen to what Jeremy says, a Operations Analyst for Citigroup when he went through dave’s course. He gained a better edge in his financial decision-making.
Once you have gotten Dave’s book and scheduled your 2hr face to face with Dave, as an incentive he will give you for FREE, his First Course, => Classroom 101: Hitting the Ground Running, (The Foundation course). He’s giving this away as an incentive because The Stevens Method has launched.
I want to give you just a little more background about David when he was starting out early on in his career. You will be able to get a better idea what Dave went through to become who he is today. Dave has always believed that
Management is Getting Things Done Through People.
When he transferred to Virginia Polytechnic Institute (now Virginia Tech) as a junior, he changed from Civil Engineering to Mining Engineering, mainly due to the persuasion of Charles T. Holland, Head of the Mining Engineering Department. But, not entirely due to persuasion.
At the time, Mining Engineering only had five students in his class, so his Professor Holland was anxious for a new student. Especially one that grew up in Southern West Virginia and had actually graduated from high school. Professor Holland obtained approval from the Dean of the Engineering School that he would not have to take statistics. It was a great experience for Dave being at the best engineering school in the US. He was granted a full fellowship to obtain a Masters in Mining Engineering, but Professor Holland finally got revenge and placed him in a graduate class in statistics. He still has bad dreams about Dr. Hurst and game theory.
He worked in and around the mines during vacations, and was a United Mine Works union laborer in the mines at Plum Creek, WV, before starting his graduate year. He had always seen engineering as the path to management—realizing the apple does not fall far from the tree. No idea of how to get there—he just wanted to be a manager, and when he took his first position at Imperial Colliery Company, Burnwell, WV, he had his eyes set on a general superintendent’s job. But! his eyes were often diverted on the trips up the hollow to the mine, with a nude woman standing on a front porch. He told me just a few days ago himself that the woman would always “pull her dress up every morning” when they went by her house. Another obstacle to work where the rattlesnakes hanging around the mine entrance—warm air!!
Now everything I’m telling you is David’s career leading up to why The Stevens Method has launched.
After marrying his wife, MJ. He took the Philadelphia debutante to Jenkins, KY, as a loop course trainee with Bethlehem Steel. They lived in Mud Bottom, with a pot belly stove for heat and a newly added indoor bathroom, which really helped with our newly born Wendy. Fuel cost–$24– company discount.
Two years of underground surveying, being a fire boss and helping develop a preventative maintenance program—let him divert here. Preventative maintenance was a new phrase, especially around the mines, and when the program was introduced it was met with skepticism by the old-timers. They installed the program during a two-week miner’s vacation. To make it easier for the miners who could not read (which was most of them at that time). They developed pocket-sized cards, a picture of the machine and different colors for the daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance to be performed. It worked like magic—tons mined increased. Preventative maintenance became a major part of my management career. Saves $$$.
Still not a manager yet, but then he was made a section foreman with thirteen men to supervise. On the hoot-owl shift and several miles from the drift mouth to the working section—with a new continuous miner, a Jeffery Coal Mole. The first continuous miner at Bethlehem Steel with a new foreman. The general foreman visited each section a couple of times a week, so the roof falls, equipment failure and methane gas had to be handled by the section foreman without a conference with the boss. A youngster responsible for experienced miners learns quickly the role of a manager—getting things done through people. Without the ability to get things done through people, I would have been asked to test a section of roof that had not yet been roof-bolted and would have had a kettle bottom landing on my head. Like a 2nd Lieutenant leading the platoon. Both dead.
Now a bit about the functions of management—planning, organizing, directing (motivating), controlling and staffing. This article is getting a bit long, so let’s talk about the organization and save the rest for later.
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