We had to re-vamp the Stevens Method so that classroom student/members could get a better understanding of what the Stevens Method was all about. Some thought it was “too complicated” so we modified it to give David the time he needed to be with the students. We still suggest getting the e-book FIRST because it gives you the foundation needed for understanding how to read and understand financial reports. If you read the Ebook FIRST, you’ll better understand David’s methodology when ENROLLED in the teaching of the course. Now is it a pre-requisite to the course, no, but it gives you the added confidence you’ll need for going through the rest of the courses.
We recently had a gentleman, Frank, that was going to his bosses at work for a promotion to that of “Operations Manager”. He got in touch with us/David, to find out what all he needed to know before going before his superiors because he really wanted the promotion. But, he felt as though he was lacking in some areas that he could use help in, so he got in touch with David. David was very gracious with him and the time spent, was some 3.5 hrs with him to help bring him up to speed with understanding financial reports. Afterall, he was trying to become an Operations Mgr. and it was imperative to present himself in the best way possible and hopefully get the edge on everyone else with The Stevens Method, Coming Soon.
Although we had to take the opportunity down for a while to make some adjustments, people have been constantly signing up for the courses. We are just about finished putting the final adjustments to it and will give it a final test run before going public. We want everything to be smooth and the continuity going from one classroom to the next to, be exciting as well for the students that are enrolled. We believe this time the classroom methodology is the most prosperous for all and will be an exciting experience for ALL.
We have clients that are quietly waiting for our Grand Opening and we want to deliver with a Bang!!
So remember, The Stevens Method, Coming Soon.
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