I say if you don’t, you may have a problem when believing God with “earnest expectation” for what your praying for. We should always be praying to God about our lives and what we want from him according to his will. 1st Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to “pray without ceasing”. Now my sisters and brothers, that doesn’t mean 24/7. No one can do that but God himself. But! we should always be talking to God about things that concern him or us and being aware of our needing him to accomplish what we are believing for. My brother’s and sister’s God designed and created us to need him moment by moment, day by day. And its in that awareness of our needing him that we simultaneously come to the realization of his abundant sufficiency. And that God can meet ALL our needs without draining his resources at all. Using Spirituality,prayer,faith,& thanksgiving, are the stepping stones to approaching God’s throne of Grace with “boldness and confidence”.
My brother’s and sister’s, in the world of spirituality connecting with God, know that one should never be anxious when approaching him in prayer because that will slow up your prayer from being answered. Clearly the bible tells us how to approach him. Philippians 4: 6-9 explicitly states and says “to be careful for nothing” (anxious), but in everything by prayer & supplication, with Thanksgiving, let your request be known to God. Then the peace of God which passes ALL understanding, shall keep (guard) your hearts and minds, through Christ Jesus. Then it goes on to tell you subsequently, how to think on things, things that are: true, honest, just, pure, etc., etc., etc. Then spiritually what happens is what I call a, “spiritual transaction with God” to where God fills you with his Peace. This peace will over-take you Abundantly. Remember, God loves you so much that his peace is not only abundant, but he fills you to OVER-FLOW to where you make it through whatever your going through in Abundant Peace. God’s love is unconditional, and not base on any conditions, it’s also unlimited and unfailing, WOW! Think about that.
The other part of this post in reference to Spirituality,prayer,faith,& thanksgiving, is having faith. My God if you don’t have that, again Nothing happens! How can it? I don’t know whether you realize this or not, when I talk about faith, I’m not talking as though its about you and your faith because its NOT, it’s ALL about Jesus and his Faith. So its about you believing in Jesus’s faith and your belief in him that whatsoever your believing for will come to pass as you pray “correctly”! Remember, the bible tells us how to pray. Most important when praying at-least as far as I’m concerned, I always end ALL my prayers with in “the Name of Jesus”, because the bible tells me to! Imagine praying and ending your prayer with in the name of George or something, how foolish. I believe God listens when you give him what he expects in that prayer and that is ending it in “IN THE NAME OF JESUS”! That’s what gets God’s attention I Strongly believe. I don’t even know that he hears prayers if they don’t end with “in the name of Jesus”.
And then Finally, give and end everything with “Thanksgiving”. 1st Thessalonians 5: 18 says “In everything GIVE THANKS, for this is the will of God concerning you in Christ Jesus!
Thanks everyone,
I Hope and Pray you’ll be blessed by the reading of this post.
p.s. although this is my business blog, I will NEVER be ashamed to give God Glory on this blog because my life isn’t as important as Christ’s life. And what God has for me, HE HAS FOR ME, and it can NEVER be taken away. This is EXACTLY the way I believe! Therefore, I don’t live in fear, I chose Life, “The Spirit of Life” and not the “spirit of sin and death”.
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