Hebrews 11:1
FAITH, the substance of
things Hoped for, the
Evidence of things Not Seen.
Spirituality, Thanking God 2016 ,
I want to enter his gates “Right Now” with THANKSGIVING and PRAISE, right out the gate, (the Beginning). Its my desire to come to him with a teachable spirit, RIGHT NOW, to be used and changed, (Transformed by the Renewing of my mind), Romans 12:2, while I rest at the Bosom of God with the Confidence and Total Assurity that what I’m believing for is already done. God Thank you for your GRACE! Thank you that I’m Empowered to Achieve and to do what thus sayeth the Lord.
Beloved, do You Believe that?
Because if you don’t, don’t expect Nothing from God, although he wants you to have an Abundant Life. This is why he came, THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE LIFE and HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY!
Spirituality, Thanking God 2016 , please do not cling to your old ways as you step into this New year, 2016, instead Seek God’s Face with an Open-Mind, TRUSTING GOD, leaning not unto your own understanding, but leaning on God’s understanding, ACKNOWLEDGING HIM, as he DIRECTS YOUR PATHS, (Proverbs 3:5,6,) by a Renewing of your mind. Please child of God, or else its not going to work.
I was actually going to write about another post but believed God wanted me to post this because as I was setting with my mind on God, thanking him for loving me so much. This was put in my spirit, so I decided in Obedience to post this post about “Spirituality and the starting of 2016” since its a New Year.
Maybe someone needed to read this as the new year 2016 is just before them and they might needed to be reminded, Praise God! Renew your mind with FAITH, Trusting God and Not yourself. Did you know that a close walk with God is a life of “continual newness”, you Never know where God is going to take you as he straightens out your crooked paths and making them straight that you can easily follow him as long as you are TOTALLY TRUSTING HIM.
As you focus your thoughts on God, be aware that he is totally attentive to your needs, beloved you just need to Totally Believe that, trusting in God, TODAY and Forever More. The word of God says in the book of James 4:8, that if you draw nigh to him, he will draw nigh to you, please believe that with all your heart. Take your eyes off your circumstances TOTALLY and be moved not by your circumstances, but BY EVERY WORD THAT COMES FROM GOD!
well for now,
blessings to ALL that read this,
I pray the blessings of God upon you,
p.s. for all that need to know more about me, by ALL means do so. I thank you for reading my blog posts.
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