Is God your source for ALL things? Do you lean and rely confidently on him as your ONLY source? If he is, get out of the way, “Let Go and Let God”, do what you can’t do and to allow God do what he does Best, if you will let him.
Remember! whatever you focus on in life, you strengthen in your life. If you focus on the negative, you strengthen that negative in your life. Hear me my brothers and sisters, focusing on the negative can inadvertently create a divided heart, which can lead to a spirit of confusion. Remember, the word of God says in the book of Timothy, “God is NOT a spirit of confusion, but of Power, Love, and a Sound-mind”. When your NOT operating in Power, Love, and a Sound-mind, then you need to question yourself, is this God? The answer is NO! When you focus on anything negative, this is a trick of the enemy/devil to keep you from receiving the blessings of God and allowing him to “take care of you”.
In keeping with Spirituality, how to receive, as long as you feel your the source of producing your blessings, you have a problem, your not going to receive a blessing from God. It’s NEVER about you, it’s ALL about God. Again, creating a divided heart in you allows the devil to STOP any blessing you might otherwise would have received from God. This is NOT God’s fault, its yours, having what I call “a bad case of stinking thinking, needing a check-up from the neck-up”, YOU CAN’T BLAME GOD FOR YOUR STINKING THINKING, (NO-WAY!) The word of god says “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”, (proverbs 23:7). So “beware of a divided-heart”, that’s not God’s fault, that’s your fault!
My brothers and sisters, we have to change our way of thinking by a renewing of the spirit of our minds in Christ Jesus. We have to align our thinking to that of the will of God, to that of being like Jesus. In so doing, you have now enabled God to work in you and through you to receive from him, Praise God! So many people do things contrary to the word of God, with their mind-sets feeling as though they are the source of any blessings to be received. WHO ARE YOU KIDDING? HOW SO, ARE YOU CRAZY? YOUR “NEVER” THE SOURCE, “GOD IS”!!!!!
In keeping with Spirituality, how to receive, The difference is the man that walks in the spirit aligns his mind with the word of God, therefore enabling himself to receive from God VS the man that thinks his the source, this man is a man walking in the flesh! He’s walking against God, rather than with God. And people wonder why half the time, why isn’t this or that happening? Where are you God? ans., well God is with you, but its you S.T.O.P.P.I.N.G. God’s Blessings by the way your thinking in your heart and mind!
Thanks everyone,
this is my Sunday’s post for: 5/1/16; “Spirituality, how to receive,”
I Hope and Pray you’ll be blessed by the reading of this post.
p.s. although this is my business blog, I will NEVER be ashamed to give God Glory on this blog because my life isn’t as important as Christ’s life. And what God has for me, HE HAS FOR ME, and it can NEVER be taken away. This is EXACTLY the way I believe! Therefore, I don’t live in fear, I chose Life, “The Spirit of Life” and not the “spirit of sin and death”.
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