the Grace life is Freedom and the Freedom in you, is the Jesus in you. => The Fullness of the God-Head bodily in you.
- we are dead to the law
- free from the law
- not under the law
- Christ is the end of the law
- the Gospel of Grace is Joy
- grace doesn’t free you to sin
- it set’s you free from sin
- sin no longer has dominion over you
- satan was defeated when Christ rose
Christ died Only Once, Rose Only Once and now we are under Grace. We now have unbelievable power to achieve if we would use that power. In order to do that, its a MUST that we walk under the Spirit of the Living God. Recognizing that we are moving not by our power nor by our might, but moving by everyword that comes from the mouth of God under the auspices of the Holy-Spirit. It’s under this level of intimacy that we can receive one word from God that can change our whole situation under grace, if we let him.