My brothers and sisters, there are two things I want to talk about today that’s been laid on my heart.
- I want to remind you to REFRESH YOURSELF in the peace of God’s presence daily. This peace can be your portion at all times and in all circumstances.
Learn how to hide in the secret of god’s presence, even as you carry out your day to day duties in the world. Remember, god is both with you and in you at ALL times. He goes before us opening the way for us to follow as well as walking beside us daily. There is no one better suited for us as a companion than God. We tend to forget him, he doesn’t forget us. This is why i wanted to post this posting today as a “reminder” because we can so easily forget who is with us as we go about our day to day daily lives.
Because God is with us, there should be a lightness in our steps that is observable for others to see. A lightness that should create curiosity in others that should make them wonder, “What is it about that person that is different“? Being spiritual, walking in the spirit .
Don’t be weighed down with problems and unresolved issues. Remember, God is your burden-bearer. In this world we will always have trials, tribulations, and distresses, but don’t let them get you down. Remember, Christ spoke these things to us that we might have peace, he told us to be of good cheer; for he has overcome the world. John 16:33
(and in so doing, he has deprived it of power to harm us.)
The 2nd thing or reminder I wanted to post about today Being spiritual, walking in the spirit is,
- I wanted you to learn and take on a new habit DAILY.
- Try saying “I trust You Jesus” in response to whatever happens to you Daily “no matter what”!
And if you have the time, Truly think about who god is in that moment and in ALL his Power, Might, and Glory. Ponder that for a moment when needed, coupled with his love for you. Think about how much he loves you with respect to the depth and breadth of his Love for you.
Doing this simple practice daily will help you to see, God in every situation, acknowledging God’s Sovereignty and control over the universe. When we view our situations from this perspective realizing god is truly the light of the world, => fear loses it grip upon us because of who god is. Any adverse situations or circumstances can become growth opportunity’s when we affirm our our trust in god no matter what. As Christians, we believe we should receive our blessings gratefully, realizing that they flow directly from the hand of god through grace. Our continual assertion of trusting god strengthens our relationship and keeps us close to him (God). Read Psalms 63: 1-2
p.s. I pray this posting will be a blessing to ALL that reads it.