One of the most frequently asked questions from people is how do you get your products out into the world MARKETPLACE, and more importantly into the hands of your ideal customers who will want, purchase and use them?
We want to walk you through a simple marketing plan to start your online business, grow your list, and start selling your products online. But! before we do that, I hope that You have chosen your niche market, your first digital product or products, coupled with having a website set up to sell your product or products, so you can begin profiting from your knowledge and what you have learned. Then the question is where do you go from here?
What you saw in the video above is not the only way, but it will certainly start you in the right direction to build and grow your list. It’s not the only way, but certainly one of the ways that can yield you fruit from all of your efforts when integrated in the proper way. Now after this achievement, you will need to focus on traffic, after all, someone will need to buy your products right? Because you’re doing this to make money and you deserve it also for putting so much time and effort into this endeavor. Now basically there are for A Simple Marketing Plan
2 Types of Traffic: Paid & Free
- Paid traffic is traffic that you can purchase through an advertising medium such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. etc. (other words, social media)
- Google, Bing, etc., etc. are other platforms through their display networks you can (buy/drive) traffic
- Note: (in order to understand what all it would encompass to get on the First Page of Google, & Bing, take the time to learn how to read the stats (Analytic Pages) and all the other things that have to be done because it’s extremely competitive. There’s a lot going on “behind” the scenes you need to understand and be aware of and integrate also). And
- Free traffic simply means organic traffic, people that find your products through other online resources such as blogs, social platforms, other friends, colleagues, referrals, etc., etc., or your website via the internet.
I am trying to keep my topic A Simple Marketing Plan as simple as I can so please bear with me. I will be ending this posting in a little. In fact, right now.
If your an online business that is just starting out, we recommend that you begin your marketing and marketing strategies focusing on free traffic. This means for you, there’s little to no overhead cost, to make profits and there’s lots of creative control you will have in positioning your business to make the profits you want.
Social media can be one of the best resources for getting your online business into the marketplace. If you are not sure which social media platform you should be on for your business, try facebook or twitter.
Goulds Marketing Services LLC
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