Hi, friends and everyone else also. The image ABOVE says it ALL. Ponder that NASA based, light bulb technology for yourself. I can only imagine you saying to yourself “How So“? This is only a light bulb. Well, we will explore this light bulb technology just a little in this posting, because it’s so much more to talk about, I can’t do it ALL now.
The one thing I don’t want to do is “trivialize this light bulb” or the technology that has gone into this bulb. But stay tuned for future postings because this NASA technology is revolutionary like no other light bulb on the market. So shop light bulbs, pure light and promise me you’ll ask questions if need be, and simultaneously take all this good information to heart. This is Cutting Edge Light Bulb Technology. 2nd to None and I mean that.
The NASA BASED technology behind the Pure–Light Super Oxygen Light™ bulbs (ABOVE) has been proven to Breakdown 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, fungi, & mold AMONG OTHER THINGS. Doesn’t that excite you? We are talking about the next generation “Light Bulb Technology” coming to a home or business near you, except if you haven’t experienced what this technology is all about, you may be left behind.
So shop light bulbs, pure light with us and stay on the cutting edge of Future Light Bulb Technology. (NASA Based)
I will stop here for now but there’s so much more forthcoming. I am truly excited about these light bulbs because once you get them there will be substantial savings for you both energy and financial. All backed with a 10 yr warranty on the product. Imagine that!
This is Only for those people who would like to know more.
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