1) How do I make a page the homepage in WordPress?
To create the static front page, go to the WordPress Administration Panels.
- Create a Front Page: In Pages choose Add New Page. Title it “Home”. …
- Create a Blog Page: If choosing to add a blog, choose Add New Page again. …
- Go to Administration > Settings > Reading panel.
Creating a Static Front Page « WordPress Codex
2) What is a dynamic Web page?
A website, or individual web page, can be static or dynamic. … A dynamic website can contain client-side scripting or server-side scripting to generate the changing content, or a combination of both scripting types. These sites also include HTML programming for the basic structure.
What is dynamic website? – Computer Hope
Resources starting static pgs and more. Here you will find out
3) What is a static front page on WordPress?
Static web page: is delivered to the user exactly as stored. A static web page (sometimes called a flat page/stationary page) is a web page that is delivered to the user exactly as stored, in contrast to dynamic web pages which are generated by aweb application.
Static web page – Wikipedia
4) What is meant by static content?
Static content are files that don’t change based on user input, and they consist of things like JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets, Images, and HTML files. They comprise the structural components of SAP BI web applications such as BI Launch Pad and the Central Management Console (CMC).Jan 24, 2013
Static vs. Dynamic Content – Business Intelligence (BusinessObjects …
I hope this helps everyone who’s interested in learning “How To Start a WP Blog Today” at the very beginning, the (Home Page).
blessings George, until next time.
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