We have done it again. Read this short post I have put together to inform you. What was done and used on this boat is the same thing that our Light Bulbs are coated in to help you have a Cleaner, Safer, Brighter, Fresher, Home or Business. Our light bulbs are coated in Titanium Dioxide. Pure Light Super-Oxygen Technology is the “Future Of Light” and they have arrived. (Great for Plants and Animals), DR Recommended, Imagine that? Learn So Much More HERE.
My friends, I can’t stress this enough. The Future of Light Bulbs are here and what we have is something you have “ALREADY”, (Light Bulbs), and Must (Buy/Purchase) every 2-3 mos or so. Yet the light bulbs you have, unless you have these type of light bulbs, can’t compare to the Perks and Benefits you will receive from our light bulbs. Find out about the Perks, Benefits, & Warranties, Here.
Join the Buyer Club, Become a “Gold Club Member”, get 50% OFF 1st purchase and up to 35% OFF every purchase after that for LIFE!
Now, Here’s the story on the PLT Oxy-Light Coating, other words, The Pure Light Technologies Boat Test.
p.s. from a God Inspired Company: Goulds Marketing Services LLC
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p.p.s. We welcome you
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