Hi everyone,
I don’t want to bore you with a lot of scientific terms or medical terms in reference to this “2nd to none” new lighting technologies. I will only say, “they need to be in every Home, Hospital, Healthcare Facility, Veterinarian Hospital, every Building; Private, Public, and Governmental, every Business, New Homes being built in communities, etc., etc.” The good news is “they will be in ALL of these establishments eventually“!
And I am excited about this ground floor opportunity because there is NO stopping this technology. There is NOTHING on the market that can match its uniqueness. The only technologies similar to these bulbs are NASA’s methodology being used up in the International Space Station via the Electrolysis of Water. And our bulbs are similar but last a lot longer than the way they are being used up in space. Our bulbs are coated in “Titanium Dioxide” and so does the methodology and process up in space with NASA uses “Titanium Dioxide” except there’s last about 10mos – 1yr then deteriorates. Our bulbs last FOREVER because of the type of adhesive compound we use with the Titanium Dioxide” that is coated around our bulb. So I want you guys to know New lighting technology is here, Pure Light and it’s here to stay.
As I said, I don’t want to get into all the technological aspects of the process. I only want to inform you of what a Great Opportunity to get involved with at the ground floor level. Start by becoming a customer and use the bulbs in your own homes and businesses. There are a significant Energy/Utility Savings of upwards of 40-70% savings to YOU, the customer. Obviously, with that type of savings, your utility/electricity bill will go down.
Our bulbs actually “Purify the Air you Breath” as long as you have them on. Remember, they use very little energy so why not keep them on as long as possible? They greatly reduce, V O C’s, (Volatile Organic Compounds), Bacteria, Fungus, Germs, Allergens, Pathogens, etc., etc. from around you in the air you breathe.
Would You Have a Problem With That? If not, try them out for yourself. They have a 5yr Replacement Warranty which means, if something happens to them, Simply return them FREE for the next 5yrs at No Cost to YOU!
Again I repeat, “New lighting technology is here, Pure Light”. Be a part of History in the Making.
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