The ABOVE IMAGE says it ALL! Basically, it’s a 4-step process with the affiliate marketing methodology. The parts of this method need to be something that agrees with or is in harmony with another congruently.
Simply put:
- You Must Join the program that you want to promote
- Then promote that program paying attention to
- Tracking your sales
- And Finally; EARNING COMMISSIONS from your efforts
I wanted to talk about natural products because this is how we are promoting Freemart LLC products. In fact, it’s a unilateral methodology we use and NOT a Matrix or Binary Matrix. Thank God for that. Take a Look Here
My Friend,
How’s your health?
Only you know that answer.
I can tell you this when you see these natural products, affiliate marketing will become easy.
You’ll see why I called them a blessing.
And if you decide to attend the 12pm webinar and listen to these
Miraculous Testimony’s from people in (real time), you’ll see why I
said this blessing is for You. In fact, it’s a Gift! Receive it!
It’s ALL FREE, no-one will ever, ask you to buy anything.
That will be Totally up to you if your body ever gets sick.