Hello Future Member, Colleague and Friend,
Truly I feel I’m being led of God to do what I’m doing with this Corporation. I have a corporation that’s a business for profit, yet a business with a twist of spirituality, “to God be the Glory”! I make No Apologies to anyone for that. This has to be God getting me to write this post about my “God Inspired Corporation”. I didn’t set down to intentionally write this post about my company or god today. It was placed upon my heart after I set down, so therefore, I believe my father ABOVE wanted me to let the world know, about what I’m doing, therefore the rest is history. I YIELD TO YOU MY GOD! There hasn’t been ANYONE complaining to me about what I do and even if they did, it would make no difference. I don’t live to serve or glorify others, Only God has the POWER & CONTROL over me and what I do. He can allow my life to be miserable or FULL OF BLESSINGS, depending of my intimacy and relationship with him. He came that I might have life and have it more Abundantly!
Never do I do anything trying to please myself, OH NO, that’s not how it works when you’re being led of God. I don’t post to get awards, trophies, or none of that crap. I do what I do ALL for the Glory of God! I don’t care if only one person reads what I POST, I want to give god the glory for that one person. And I’m satisfied because that’s the person that needed what I had written about. In the long run I will truly be blessed because my heart is right with God. That doesn’t mean being human that I am perfect, because let me be the FIRST to tell you, “I’m not”!
I run a company, (God Inspired) and if you need Marketing Services, subscribe here, and we can go from there.
When you are taken to my business blog, there is a smorgasbord of opportunities I am involved with. These opp’s. are honest, ethical, and many are “God Inspired”. Remember, anything God has his hands in if the people are spiritually connected and not doing things ONLY for themselves, but for God. You cannot go wrong with God being the Captain of your ship! The bible says, “ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD”. My question to you would be, DO YOU BELIEVE THAT?
Goulds Marketing Services LLC (A Delaware Corporation);
Listed with Dun & Bradstreet Corporation
p.s. while at my blog, take a L@@K at : My Personal Links (2nd Column)
p.p.s. thanks for visiting my :Marketing Services, subscribe here,