The picture ABOVE is an ACTUAL picture of David working in the mines prior to becoming a successful mgr.
David earned this reputation because of what he had accomplished setting at the TOP of 12 different Corporations spanning a 45yr career. He successfully brought companies back from the brink of “Bankruptcy to Profitability” again, earning him the title of “the Turnaround CEO”.
It wasn’t easy for David initially because he started in the coal mining industry and worked as a mining engineer and within a few years, rose to the ranks of a foreman having 13+ men reporting to him. He had realized he didn’t want to be only a foreman in the mining industry, so he worked hard to acquire a Management Position in the Manufacturing Industry. David realized this was the shortest path to not only manage people, but also the shortest path to climbing the corporate ladder to learning all about Profits and Loss responsibilities. Again, another Marketing Profile, View, of why David worked so hard. He knew what he wanted and he went after it.
I don’t want to tell all of David’s intimate story because this posting is not what I am trying to fulfill. I am only trying to introduce David with enough information about him as he pursued his educational career and to give you guys some snippets about him in this Marketing Profile, View, endeavor such as the bit of info. (next couple of paragraphs), ok?
(This is the continuation of David’s story about how he became a manager. If you didn’t read the first article in the series, Go here. The story will make more sense if you read them in order.)
David was a full-time student at Wharton and graduated within the specified two years. While at Wharton he worked 30+ hours a week at Link-Belt Company in the engineering department. The engineering department strengthened his resolve never to practice engineering, but to be in manufacturing/operations. David knew that to be in manufacturing, he would have the shortest path to managing people, which ultimately would enable him to climb the corporate ladder to Profit & Loss (P&L) responsibilities. Truly David went on to become who he is today.
He worked in and around the mines during vacations and was a member of the United Mine Workers Union. Before starting the graduate year, he worked underground in the mine at Plum Creek, WV. He operated roof bolting machines, was a brakeman on the underground train, set explosive charges at the coal face and set timbers for roof support. He had always seen engineering as the path to management, so he needed experience in operations. He had no idea of how to get there—he just wanted to be a manager, and when he took his first position a year later at Imperial Colliery Company, Burnwell, WV, he had his eyes set on a general superintendent’s job. His eyes were often diverted on the trips up the hollow to the mine, with a nude woman standing on a front porch. Another obstacle to work where the rattlesnakes hanging around the mine entrance—cool air in the summer. More info. from David himself coming about this Marketing Profile, View.
p.s. Join David, the “Turnaround CEO Here” TODAY.
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