Goulds Marketing Services LLC, is a Dun & Bradstreet listed Corporation founded in 2007. Originally, we were a sole proprietor for about 3yrs while learning the ends and outs of establishing a business. Prayerfully we moved on and as we grew with wisdom, god led us to where we became incorporated. We are a Delaware Corporation, and the Legal Zoom Corporation is our Registrar that keeps us aware of changing Federal and State laws applicable to us as a small business corporation. Our focus is our Business Blog Homepage. Here you can find a smorgasbord of different business opportunities we are directly involved with and have partnered with. => (In the 2nd column); scroll down to My Personal Links, Take a L@@K. Here you will find those opportunities, and maybe something may be of interest to you also.
We hope that being one of many marketing firms, subscribe here, you will partner with us as well. We don’t want to take on more than we have to because we want to be the BEST we can at each of our business endeavors. This is why we are moving slowly and meticulously promoting only a select few opportunities. We don’t want to be a “jack of all trades and master of none”. There is no such thing as a “get rich quick scheme” in life. We ALL must work to achieve our goals fully depending on God to deliver us in his time. So dear friends we ALL must “Stay the Course” until you reach that goal. I am not trying to impress anyone, I’m not trying to get awards, plaques, or any of that stuff. If it happens fine, I will “humbly” accept them but that’s not what motivates me. I and my company are inspired to be a blessing first to god and his kingdom, then to myself and others.
One of the most important opportunities I am promoting and have partnered with is Freemart LLC , because they have life changing “Natural Products” that are doing some “Miraculous” things for people. Listen in and Get the Facts Right Here for Yourself! Then if you like Join Us and our Team!
p.s. Also, check out my 1-Stop Shop at Home Site; (shop at 4 different retail companies simultaneously), all from the comfort of your home.