Hi future colleague,
meet George, a man of Vision, moving in Destiny, full of Purpose and Passion!
We are a marketing,affiliate marketing,network marketing, a corporation primarily focusing in these industries. But there are other diversifications forthcoming in the company.
My company came about resulting from being down-sized in 2007. I was in the telecommunications industry. I analyzed, designed, and sold business telecommunications systems to small- medium sized corporations. So when I had gotten down-sized, I decided to build my own company. From that point on I used the God given talents that God had blessed me with to work for myself. So out of the rubble, came Goulds Marketing Services LLC, a marketing firm offering various marketing services primarily in the network marketing and affiliate marketing industry.
I had such a “Strong Desire” to “Make It” and “Get Ahead”, all I wanted to do was,
Join the group if you will, we would love to have you and any ideas you’ll share. We are a work in progress, more Important, we’re building a TEAM.
My vision is to build solid Business/Friendships Globally. As that is accomplished, I will utilize those relationships to further expand my company and its growth. As we become more financially sound and grow our company, we will take on other goals.
We are undergoing the Dun and Bradstreet process even as I speak to get a rating and pay-dex score. Praise God, we have undergone the Dun & Bradstreet process and “successfully completed it”. We now have our pay-dex score. And now that we are in the DandB database with God as my Help and Witness, we will take the company to another level in my vision with the hope to be a better blessing to others. I believe that,
Whatever Your Dream Is, “Just Do It”. So All I want to do is,
We are a Marketing, Network marketing, and Affiliate marketing company with some aggressive goals. Those are only a few that comes to mind.
As we diversify, we are going to get into the Real Estate industry as well as some other corporate interests.
Also, we plan to market/promote various software that’s applicable to what we do as a Corporation in our various industries.
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I encourage you to “please check me out BELOW”. I’m Real, and a Man of Integrity you can trust.
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P.P.S. Oh, by the way, are you “HAPPY & HEALTHY Today” ? Join our Industry, marketing,affiliate marketing,network marketing,