Ever heard of such? Here are a few facts as depicted on the site.
It takes about 45min once the light is on for the photocatalytic action to start (for the negative ions to start to be generated).BULBS MUST BE OPEN TO THE AIR.
Putting bulbs in a sealed cover doesn’t do any good. They must be open to the air.A FAN IS NOT NEEDED TO CIRCULATE AIR.
The bulbs will work so long as air can naturally circulate near and around the bulb.THE BULBS CAN BE USED WITH LAMP SHADES.
The air needs to be able to circulate around the bulb.THE MORE BULBS IN A ROOM – THE BETTER.
2-3 Pure-Light bulbs in an average room (15 ft x 15 ft) seem to work the best.FULL SPECTRUM BRIGHT DAYTIME WHITE LIGHT.
Pure-Light LEDs are full spectrum and provide light with a color spectrum that is very similar to natural daylight. They provide all colors of light with an emphasis on red, yellow, and green light (wavelengths between 480-680 nanometers).10 yr WARRANTY (on the A19 bulbs)
No receipt is needed. Though the bulbs are nearly unbreakable, they can be broken. If the outside of the bulb is damaged, then the warranty is voided. Otherwise, if the bulb fails to perform in any way, simply return it for a replacement bulb.
Pure-Light does NOT use ultraviolet light. For the record, Please Read the image.
I will stop here for now but there’s so much more forthcoming. I am truly excited about these light bulbs because once you get them there will be substantial savings for you both energy and financial. All backed with a 10 yr warranty on the product. Imagine that! Again, “you be the judge of these light bulbs, patent pending, NASA based. And if you’re a believer, “WELCOME“!
This is Only for those people who would like to know more.
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Check this out, please. Take a look at this, it’s pretty impressive
Just imagine, a house full of light bulbs giving off white lighting, not the traditional yellow lighting that’s getting rid of viruses, mold, bacteria, etc., etc. while lighting your “whole house” simultaneously. And actually purifying the air around you. This is our patent pending light bulb technology that we are excited about. Hopefully, you will be also.