I don’t think there have been many studies about headlines that can 100% say what works better, a long or short headline. I believe they both do well depend on how it’s phrased. The topic of the headline should be taken into consideration as well. It’s more important in my opinion, to make sure the headline is catchy, yet thought-provoking. Creating curiosity is a must. Remember, unless a person opens your email, you haven’t done anything really. Who would know what’s behind the curtain so to speak, unless it’s open? The same is true of getting your email or getting your article read, they need to be opened.
Great headlines can mean the difference between someone clicking on your email or article and that same person not clicking on it, therefore ignoring it. It’s been said “don’t judge books by their covers” or articles by their headlines, but that’s not the case sadly in the world we live.
Writing better headlines can improve your blog more than the articles you write. Think about that! Learning how to write great headlines enables you to write more effective, it makes your content more compelling, MORE POWERFUL! MORE DEMANDING!
What Is A Headline?
A headline is a short piece of copy that precedes a longer text. It’s as a shorter document’s version of a title or name.
A headline gives people reasons to read on. I like calling it “stimulation of your senses. It communicates the value of the piece of content you’ve written or prepared, so more people will check it out. This is why I said headlines can make you a more effective, compelling, demanding writer of content.
Headlines work well for many different types of content, including the following:
- Blog articles
- Social media posts
- Videos
- Infographics
- Roundup articles
- Podcasts
In the search engine results pages (SERPs), headlines appear in dark blue and are the largest text on the page.
Without a great headline, people will more than likely skip over you and move on to your competition.
A headline communicates value and intrigues the viewer to read on. Many psychological principles play in the role and creation of a headline that works. Truly, thought must be put into How to Write Great Headlines or you’ll never rise above your competition, and believe me, there’s lots of it out there.
What you need to know now is headlines give people a chance to assess your content before they actually see it. Many people will never see your article or any other piece of content if your headline doesn’t appeal to them.
A headline educates, inspires, entertains, or engenders curiosity with thoughts of provocation. It promises to solve a specific problem with which the reader is struggling with, which makes it almost irresistible. This is why it’s so IMPORTANT to have a great HEADLINE.
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