Gratefulness, are you grateful for your blessings?
Gratefulness, why should I be,
Well for one thing, not a day we live is promised to us, or guaranteed. That in itself, is something to be grateful for. Its through God’s mercy and love that we are blessed to see whatever day he chooses to allow us to partake of. We take these things for granted when we need to be grateful. We don’t have to be here, yet God allows us. Aren’t you grateful for that?
I thank God for allowing me to see this day as well, since its my birthday. I realize it wasn’t a guarantee that I would be here, but Thank God he allowed me another year of life. And today JAN 29, 2016, I am 65yrs old. So I’M GRATEFUL!
Gratefulness, why should I be,
Well as I look at myself, I’m grateful that I have ALL my limbs, fingers, arms, legs, eyes, ears, and the like. Believe it or not, everyone can’t say that, they really can’t. So I’m grateful for my health.
And finally , although there’s much, much, more I’m grateful for, I’ll bring it to an end here and say “I’m grateful that I have my right mind, mental health is GREAT, heart is great”, etc., etc.
Well for now my friends, I will STOP here, but Stay Tuned for the subsequent posts coming in continuation of this subject matter.
blessings to ALL that read this,
I pray the blessings of God upon you,
p.s. I thank you for reading my blog posts TODAY,
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I really hope these posts blesses someone in a special way and they can be encouraged spiritually to reach from within, because the BEST of them is within them.
Dear friend, would you answer these two questions please?