My brother’s and sister’s,
praise be to God to ALL who is reading this post. It means YOU through God’s MERCY & LOVE has been allowed to see another NEW YEAR, 2017 “Bless the name of Jesus”!
I want to remind everyone including myself to beseech God with all we have this year that we can receive ALL the promises God has for us. In order for the fulfillment of that prayer be done we MUST RENEW OUR MINDS. Romans 12:2. (A reminder) => Go to God with a “teachable spirit, eager with the willingness to change”. Having a closer walk with god means having a continual change in him with newness. This will automatically happen if Romans 12:2 is ACTIVATED!
Remember “Do not cling to your old ways” as you start this new year out 2017 with God. That has to go into the TRASH, be ridden by you, not attached to you. Especially if you’re serious in the beseeching of God’s Spiritual connection. Seek his face with an open mind knowing that your journey with him involves being “transformed by the renewing of your mind”. And as you focus your thoughts on him, he is fully attentive to you. Therein lies that one on one spiritual connection between you and God. Remember that the steady eye of god is upon you because his attention span is infinite.
When you and God hook up like that WATCH OUT because he knows and understands you completely. His very thoughts will embrace you with ever-lasting love. He knows what he wants to do for you because of his completeness in you. He has plans for you: plans of prosperity to give you hope and a future for you. There’s no plans what so ever to harm you.
God is all about love so get connected Right Now from the outset with God in this New Year 2017 and appropriate the Word of God that you can receive his BEST!
Happy New Year 2017,
May God’s will be your will that you receive his BEST!
George aka Bud
p.s. Give yourself FULLY to him in his presence and WATCH his increased attentiveness in YOU!