People probably wonder why do I call my company God Inspired?
I wouldn’t want it any other way. Why do people say we are a country built on Judea Christian Beliefs, etc., and I do not believe in that to where I do not want my company to be blessed by God? I want my company blessed of God. I am encouraged by God every awakening day to be operating under the auspices of the “Holy Spirit”. Moving not by my power nor by my might, but by his Spirit sayeth the Lord.
Sisters and Brothers of Christ, I can only tell you that God through his mercy and love for me, has been good to me over these last 67yrs. I have not always walked the straight and narrow path of life. I’ve been lonely many times out there when being away from family and friends. Many times doing things that I shouldn’t have been doing. My God, my God. But! now, Praise God, through maturity, I am a Psalms16: 11 child of God. He has shown me the path of life where there is the fullness of joy,… but I had to grow to this point with a denial of myself to inherit these “pleasures” that God talks about. So I want to encourage anyone out there today that’s walking with God today, Stay the Course, Be of good cheer and go through the tests of life to receive your Testimony with your Head held UP. And know that God is with you. It’s ok to Cry Out an say “Help me Jesus”, It’s ok when times get tough to cry out and say “I trust you, Lord”. Even if you might feel as though your being sleighed by him, Yet Trust Him. Because whatever you’re going through blessing the name of Jesus, you’re coming out of it if you Hold on and trust him and that’s a promise. So I want you to have Encouragement from a God Inspired Co.
And I want you to know, Man or Woman child of God that
So finally, let me Encourage you with the Encouragement from a God Inspired Co. to
And Put on your Whole Armor of God
and He’ll do the Rest and fight your battle’s for you, Hallelujah! And guess what, before you know it, You’ll Be a Psalms 91 “Child of God” dwelling in his “Secret Place” of the Most-High under the shadow of the Almighty.
p.s. from a God Inspired Company: Goulds Marketing Services LLC
p.p.s. Welcome and would love to have you as a part of our team. Let the blessings FLOW to You!