Electronic Processing,CashBackProgram
all businesses in USA. If your processing POS transactions and NOT getting CashBack for your business. Welcome to the CASHBACK PROGRAM. We meaning, Goulds Marketing Services LLC working in conjunction with MatchRatePlus , has partnered with North American BanCard to bring you this outstanding CashBack Program, NOT offered by anyone else.
- Free equipment, No leasing or renting
- No long-term contracts, month -month
- Buy-out Assistance if in a contractual agreement
- lowest fees or we will match your rates, thus comes the name, MatchRate Plus
- Most important, we Give you CashBack monthly through our “CASHBACK PROGRAM”
- That’s Unheard of, we are the Only One’s doing this for our customers.
Start Here Today Electronic Processing,CashBackProgram
We pride ourselves as being “2nd to None” when it comes to processing credit cards through our Point of Sale Hardware and devices. We want our customers to Stay with us Forever and we do what we can to Keep them Happy. Customer service and technical support is live 24/7. We have discounted Amex Rates, with a (consolidated statement). We give you the Best Interchange Rates + Cash Back, etc., etc. This ALL makes for a very happy merchant customer and that’s what we want.
While here, schedule a FREE cost reduction analysis for your business, Next page , it’s Completely FREE.
Fill in the necessary information next page with the Promo Code already inserted, your good to go from there. We will get back in touch with you to move forward. You will Receive a free analysis showing savings & rebate.
***We have partnered with MatchRate Plus to represent them in marketing these products to Small businesses. And MatchRate Plus has partnered with North American BanCard, a Power House in the electronic processing industry.***
Well for now,
Blessings to ALL,
p.s. please JOIN my NEWSLETTER, let’s STAY IN TOUCH and develope a much needed, wonderful, relationship.
p.p.s. I look forward in TALKING with you SOON, let’s start Today and we can exchange phone number’s and be as Reciprocal to each other as we can.=> Electronic Processing,CASHBACKPROGRAM
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