My Brother’s & Sisters, Truly I believe the image ABOVE says it ALL! You don’t have to find your destiny, you just need to find God. He will take you there. Have you found him first? Are you willing to get out of the way once you find him, and Let Go, and Let God be God, and do a work in you to equip you with what you need, for him to Start the process with you? Are you willing is the question?
Do you have what it takes? The Tenacity to stick it out. Can you take a “Dogmatic Approach” no matter what, so God can take you where you need to go? And that will be “In those Steps that are ordered by the Lord“. You see, the Bible says “That the Steps of a Good Man Are Ordered By the Lord”.
Are you Tenacious, able to keep a firm hold on something, never letting it go regardless of your circumstances? Because you will need this type of Spiritual Connection to hang in there, Fully Trusting God, “the Maker of Heaven and Earth” guiding you along the way. Destiny, have you found yours?
Finally, I want to say ending on a personal note, at 67. I am still moving in my Destiny. Here’s why. When God has his hands upon you, I believe there’s no such thing as Completion of Destiny. You will always be a “Work in Progress”, yielding to those things of life that God places in your life in some way, that he will get the Glory out of it from you. I believe it’s no such thing as Finality to your life from an “earthly standpoint” until that final day comes when Christ comes back. Certainly, you can reach a point in life where you feel Wonderful, Peaceful, Joyful, Financially Blessed, etc., etc. That’s when you know or feel that God is real and he has your back No matter what! And you are moving in your Destiny, but it NEVER ends until Christ comes Back.
The Bible says according to Christ, that “He that has begun a Good work in you shall perform it until the day of the coming of Christ”. So your Destiny Never ends here on earth until Christ comes back to get you, in my opinion. Amen!