After careful consideration of this topic, I felt led to post something about this subject. Over the past weekend, while out and about with our friends, going to stores, riding around, eating and going to the movies using our credit cards, I and my friends started talking about “credit”. As we were talking, everything said was not agreeable to me. I didn’t say anything because I knew I would do my due diligence and maybe post something about what I learned. So here goes what I read and learned from my perspective,
because when shopping, we can easily make mistakes because we are not always paying attention to what or who is around us and inadvertently make mistakes. This could be because of our excitement to be shopping, it could be because we get caught up in all the hype of shopping, also you never know when people behind us could be looking over our shoulder’s trying to see our card info., etc., etc., (just to give an example).
Let’s start by talking about;
Shopping Online at Unsecured Websites
Whenever shopping online, it’s best to stick to Stores, Companies, and Big Name Retailers, you know and “trust”. When using your credit card, for a purchase, double-check that the URL (address) of the website starts with “https” and not just “HTTP” The letter “s” lets you know it’s a “Secure Website”. Also check for the “Lock Symbol” next to the LEFT of the URL, which also lets you know your transaction is secure. The same holds TRUE of my OWN website HERE in which you’re currently on. It’s a SECURE SITE: Goulds Marketing Services LLC as well as a Dun & Bradstreet Verified Company
You can TRUST my website and know that this Company is listed in the “Dun and Bradstreet Database” as a Company that can be trusted and of Integrity. So Credit Card Shoppers, (Beware)
Opening Department Store Credit Cards
Remember, Each time you open a new store card, a “hard inquiry” is generated on your credit report, knocking down your credit score (FICA). Besides, department store credit cards usually have higher interest rates than national cards such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. Be mindful of this, If you’re in the mall and a nice lady behind the counter asks, “Would you like to save 20 percent off your purchase?” it may seem like a wonderful idea to say yes. But in reality, she’s trying to get you to open a department store credit card for that discount. This is a bad move, especially if you do it frequently. Remember this “Hard Inquiry” fact, => it knocks your “FICA SCORE” down! So, Credit Card Shoppers, (Beware)
Buy Extended Warranties
If you’re buying electronics or a tech item, you may be asked whether you want an extended warranty. It’s usually a wise decision to decline retailers’ insurance: It’s often too costly and provides only limited coverage. So don’t get influenced by the salesman to do so. Please!
For now, I will Stop and continue a little more on this subject matter the next time maybe.
p.s. from a God Inspired Company: Goulds Marketing Services LLC
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p.p.s. A Dun and Bradstreet Verified Corporation