Have you EVER had this Awesome, Spiritual, Experience of being, one of the Above? Have you ever thought, seen, or gone through an experience in life that caused you to be, one of ….above? It’s Nothing like it I tell you. This depiction is Awesome in my opinion. It lets me know who is TRULY in charge of life and it certainly isn’t me, that’s for sure. The “beautiful blue sky, the beautiful cloud formations, and the mixture of the setting in the back horizon of the sky are so, so beautiful and it’s nothing short of Awesome, causing me to be Grateful, & Thankful, simultaneously.
Some might ask, why should I be? I could care less because it’s me working for whatever I have. Ok, that’s a fair question to ask if you don’t know why you should love being grateful & thankful.
Well, for one thing, not a day we live is promised to us or guaranteed. That in itself is something for being grateful & thankful for if god through his mercy and love allows us the privilege and honor to do so. Do You Agree with that my friend, whoever you are? It’s through God’s mercy and love that we are blessed to see whatever day he chooses to allow us to partake of.
We take these things for granted when we need to be rendering to God being grateful & thankful because he doesn’t have to do it what he does. We don’t have to be here, yet God allows us. Aren’t you grateful for that? Do you realize that sometimes we as people focus so much on what we don’t have, that we fail to appreciate, see, and use what we do have to the glory of God?
Being grateful while striving to improve yourself will allow you to be happy every step of the way, especially if your uplifting others in a spiritual sense encouraging them as well in their quest for prosperity. Remember 3rd John: 2, God HIMSELF says, “Beloved ABOVE ALL THINGS, I wish that you prosper and be in Health as your soul prospers“. Do you realize the more you’re grateful and thankful over a few, God will bless you eventually with a lot More, More, More. The blessings you receive will be a direct response to your gratefulness to God. REGARDLESS OF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES. Also, Remember this being Awesome, Grateful, & Thankful
Join me in my “God Inspired” quest of life.
Being Awesome, Grateful, & Thankful,
Time and time again, people were asking me about when was I moving to California. I would ALWAYS tell them whether they believed it or not that I was moving. I didn’t care whether they believed it because of this very thing I am talking about. I NEVER WAIVERED. I told them repeatedly, “Keep your eyes upon me, one day you’ll look up and I won’t be here”. And bless the name of Jesus. God delivered. And the people I’m talking about know who they are. I can honestly tell you guys I daily praised God and told him HOW BEING GRATEFUL & THANKFUL I was to him in the midst of my circumstances. So I know this works. This is one example why being grateful & thankful works.
And finally, let me say something about Gratefulness, why should I be?
Well as I look PHYSICALLY at myself currently, I can say,
“I’m grateful that I have ALL my Limbs, Fingers, Arms, Legs, Eyes, Ears, and the like”. Believe it or not, Everyone Can’t Say That Right Now, “But I Can”, they really can’t. So why shouldn’t I be grateful for my health? You cannot beat feelings about God being Awesome, Grateful, & Thankful.
And finally, although there’s much, much, more I’m grateful for, I’ll bring it to an end here and say “I’m grateful that I have my Right Mind, Mental Health GREAT, the Heart is Great”, etc., etc.
Well, for now, my friends, I will STOP here, but Stay Tuned for the subsequent posts coming in continuation of this subject matter.
blessings to ALL that read this, being Awesome, Grateful, & Thankful towards God
I pray the blessings of God upon you, ALSO PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THIS AND BE BLESSED.
p.s. I thank you for reading my blog post TODAY, I Hope & Pray it falls before the Eyes of the Person that needed to read this posting for the lack of NOT being or having that feeling towards God, of Being More Awesome, Grateful & Thankful. And that this posting will Rest Upon and In your Heart, and that it makes a difference in your life Immediately!
To find more info. about me, Go Here=>, Google+ , Linkedin , Twitter or HERE
I really hope this post will bless someone in a special way and they can be encouraged Spiritually to reach from within because the BEST of YOU is within YOU.
Dear friend, would you answer these two questions, please?