Make your page a “static page“, and also create a “Resources” section with it
This is “one” of the greatest tools being utilized for our successful affiliates
general tips and tricks of how others are promoting Bluehost once you have installed your blog.
Then, Promote your link via a weekly newsletter, email blast, etc. Make sure you add your pages to your newsletters/email blasts at the “Bottom” of the newsletter in the form of a sentence or paragraph. The other thing you can do is just have a dedicated email blast by itself. Direct ALL the attention of the people to the “subject matter stating, “how to start your own blog/website, click here!” and having that redirect them to the “HOW-TO-PAGE- of your blog“.
Lastly, promote your “How-To-Page” on social media one of our greatest keys for success. SEO is very important, but so is social media just as important. Your readers that follow you loyally will trust your voice with this opportunity as well. It’s best to post the URL link to the how to page, opposed to banner ads or affiliate links. Banner ads generally don’t convert as well, whereas a direct link to your how to page has proven to be much more successful.
One of our top affiliates has posted a Webinar video on how to be the most successful affiliates possible with Bluehost here:
Google+, Linkedin, Twitter,, Referral Key, etc., etc.
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